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Information - Hypnotherapy

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Hypnotherapy Information

What is hypnosis? A heightened state of being that you naturally move in and out of each day. It is used as a methodology involving the use of trance for therapeutic outcomes.

What is a trance state? An inward state of awareness in which the subconscious mind becomes the focal point.

What is the subconscious mind? A giant storage facility containing all thoughts, feelings, experiences, and ideas. The subconscious contains all hidden information, conflicts, and motivations, which might contradict the conscious mind's thoughts or actions. 95% of our actions are the result of subconscious mind programming. The subconscious operates in loops, patterns, and cycles. It operates through connection, and not words. The language of the subconscious is imagery, metaphors, symbolism, and analogies. What are some facts about the subconscious mind? The subconscious contains your memory bank, regulates the autonomic nervous system, is the seat of emotions, holds your entire imagination, directs your energy, experiences habitual conflict, likes repetition, needs to feel safe and accepted (inner child), likes to be right, is very literal, is concerned with the now, doesn’t discern fact from fantasy, consults past events to function, creates and stores beliefs, and creates a ‘whole’ filter in which you live your life. The subconscious mind has 2 goals: move to pleasure & move away from pain.

What is the conscious mind? Have you ever been completely immersed in a moment, and been so happy that you didn’t realize hours had passed? It felt like minutes. This is conscious awareness. It is when you are present in a moment with all of your energy. It is the place in your mind that lacks all of the chaotic or random thoughts. Meditation helps individuals find conscious awareness and expand the length of time they can remain within it.

What are the intentions of the conscious mind and subconscious mind? The conscious mind consciously has your best interest at heart. This is the part of you that wants to quit the addiction, lose weight, or end negative behavioral patterns. Although the subconscious mind sometimes prevents healthy solutions or choices, it also has your best interest at heart. The subconscious wants to protect you, but since it operates based on past experiences, it formulates plans through conditioning.

How does hypnotherapy resolve the conflict between my conscious & subconscious mind? The conscious mind wants to do what is right. The subconscious mind has fears or underlying issues that cause an inability to follow through with this plan. The subconscious mind affects 95% of behaviors and responses, leading individuals to run on autopilot. Hypnosis shines a light on the fears or underlying issues, leading to reprogramming and healing. Hypnosis work is mediating the conscious and subconscious mind. It involves rewriting scripts and performing interventions in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis helps an individual face what they are avoiding. It helps individuals find why they aren’t getting the results they desire.

What happens during a hypnotherapy session?

  • Consultation: determine presenting problem & session goals

  • Hypnosis: induces a trance state

    • Regression: focus on finding a memory that determined a belief system, which hinders your life, then changing that belief system and alleviating emotions attached to it. During this process, we will converse back and forth while you navigate through the memory or past experience. We might explore multiple memories.

    • Post-hypnotic suggestions: focus on changing a specific trigger to the desired goal.

  • Awaken: gradually return back to conscious awareness

  • Post-talk: discussion about the session

What is a current-life hypnotic regression? Regression is about changing your belief system. It is not the events that caused the current symptoms, but the beliefs and feelings you developed about the events that caused the symptoms. Based on the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) framework, regression allows you to find/determine beliefs, then reframe them. The experience leads to a belief, which leads to an emotion, which leads to a symptom. If you clear the emotion or belief, you clear the problem. Changing perceptions and beliefs changes filters; this removes symptoms. You are reframing the memory to find empowerment and peace. This can be done for current life, past life, or inter-life. Regression helps an individual find answers, clear symptoms, remember important information, find core beliefs, find repressed memories, or clear karma.

What is a past-life hypnotic regression? This follows the same formula as a current-life regression, except your intention is focused on entering a past life. There are many benefits from experiencing a past-life regression, including self-healing, understanding, and resolution to current-life issues or phobia that you can’t find the root cause of (examples: relationship difficulties, physical conditions, questions of life’s purpose, etc). An individual doesn’t need to believe in reincarnation to benefit from this experience. What people experienced in past lives will commonly arise during dreams, deja vu, meditation, hypnosis, or being particularly drawn to something or someone, but unsure as to why.

In regression, how do I distinguish between a real memory and an imaginary story that I created? Sometimes filters are created at a young age to shape/change your life. They perceive your reality moving forward - through every action. Regression allows you to go to the memory or the needed imaginary story, find answers, change belief systems, have a conversation, & do anything necessary to receive closure. This enables you to restructure and change core beliefs. Your mind will tell you the story it needs to tell to obtain the healing it needs to receive. Real or not, this process allows you to take control of an event. The subconscious retrieves what it needs. By giving the subconscious mind the space and peace it needs, a healing path opens.

Aside from the presenting problem, how else can hypnosis help? Our past experiences create filters that our subconscious uses to direct our actions, responses, and decisions. These filters form the perception in which we perceive our entire life. These filters are based on the belief system we held at the time of creating them (this typically goes back to childhood). What we believe about ourselves is how we have structured our filters to experience our reality. If we believe we are unworthy of love, we will find that in our lives. Our beliefs structure our reality about everything. It creates our opinions, reactions, self-esteem, and relationship patterns. When we change our filters, we change our entire world. Additionally, hypnosis facilitates connection to your inner child, instilling more gentle self-talk with yourself. You can connect to your higher self, finding more intuition and guidance. You can overcome low self-esteem issues and face your internal ‘inner critic.’ You can find your inner voice and communicate better.

What can I expect afterward? During a hypnosis regression, we are dislodging emotions and feelings associated with belief systems. To remove these from our bodies, we might experience anger, sadness, crying, or deep emotional release. This is completely normal. This release might occur immediately, or might take place over several days or weeks. It is important to work through the subsequent emotional release by remaining aware and non-reactive. Emotional reactivity involves avoiding or overindulging. Instead of participating in either, find awareness and observe the emotions. Imagine your emotions as a storm. There might be some yelling, or thunder. There might be some strong surges of energy, or lightning. There might be a downfall of tears, or rain. The storm never lasts long. Find a quiet space and observe your internal storm, gently awaiting its passing.

Is there anything I can do at home in between sessions? Firstly, I recommend meditation. It is a great idea to formulate a daily practice. This will help you practice entering the state of mind that hypnosis takes you into. It is important for you to understand that I am only a guide. Only you can truly heal yourself. Secondly, I recommend keeping a “trigger” journal, jotting down each time you are pulled away from a normal baseline of feeling. This will help you keep track of your triggers, so we can develop more hypnosis goals to aid in healing. Triggers guide you into the tree of an experience, where you can find the root cause and make changes.

What should I do prior to my sessions?

  1. Schedule a free Hypnotherapy Regression Consultation. During this phone call, we will determine your presenting problem, goal, or area that you wish to explore. We will write down any current thoughts, feelings, beliefs, or triggers associated with this along with what prevents or blocks you from moving past this obstacle. During this consultation, we will create goals for the session.

    1. Instead of thinking _______, I would rather think _________.

    2. Instead of feeling _________, I would rather feel _________.

    3. Instead of doing _________, I would rather do ___________.

    4. Instead of believing I am _______, I would rather believe I am _______.

  2. Sign consent form before session begins.

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