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Information - Reiki

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Reiki Information

Reiki translates to “rei” (universal) and “ki” (life force energy). What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. It is an alternative healing technique based on channeling energy by means of touch, activating the natural healing processes of your body to restore physical and emotional well-being.

Reiki is an energy healing technique in which a Reiki master (who has undergone formal training in this healing art) uses gentle hand movements with the intention to guide the flow of healthy energy (what’s known in Reiki as “life force energy”) through the client's body to reduce stress and promote healing. Reiki is a form of complementary and alternative medicine; there’s evidence it can reduce daily stress and help with management of some chronic diseases.

How does Reiki work? Everything that composes the universe is connected through lifeforce energy, including you, animals, plants, trees, the ocean, and the cosmos. Disruptions in “ki” adversely affect us emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and physically, leading to illness. Reiki restores the flow of energy, removing blockages, aligning chakras, and improving balance.

The anatomy of our energy body includes the aura, chakras, and meridians, which all serve specific functions. Just as arteries carry blood, meridians carry energy. Meridians bring vitality and balance, remove blockages, adjust metabolism, and determine the speed and form of cellular change. Chakras are concentrated energy systems and translate into spinning wheel or vortex. There are seven main chakras, which bathe corresponding organs in their energies. The chakras correspond to a distinct aspect of your personality. When a chakra is balanced, healthy, and open, so are its connected body parts. When a chakra is blocked, damaged, or closed, then the health of the connected body parts and systems will begin to reflect this. Lastly, our aura is a multilayered shell of energy that emanates from our body, interacting with the energies of our environment. It is a protective atmosphere that surrounds us, filtering or drawing in the energy that we need.

Chakras Crown - above head, honors spiritual connectedness, purple Third Eye - forehead, honors the psychic and intuition, indigo Throat - throat, honors communication and inner voice, blue Heart - heart, honors the heart, love, and compassion, green Solar Plexus - above belly button, honors the life force, yellow Sacral - below the belly button, honors creativity & sexuality, orange Root - base of the spine, honors the Earth and grounding, red

Additional Reiki Facts

Reiki energy should not be controlled - it will go where it needs to. Reiki is a simple technique that anyone can learn. Energy follows thought, emphasizing the importance of setting an intention prior to a reiki session. Reiki practitioners are not transferring their own energy to clients when giving treatment; the energy comes through the practitioner as they guide it toward the client. Reiki doesn’t deplete the practitioner; instead, it increases their life force energy as they enter a higher healing frequency. Reiki can be used on animals, plants, crystals, trees, prayers, wishers, homes, etc. Reiki complements all forms of healing. It can be performed with or without hand placements. Reiki is not connected to any religion or spirituality, but is commonly associated with both.

Health benefits

Reiki is linked to a range of physical and emotional health benefits, including better sleep, improved mood, and pain relief in published studies. Research suggests Reiki helps the body return to a state of relaxation, which allows it to potentially better heal from damage brought on by stress, injury, or disease. There’s evidence that Reiki, used as a complementary therapy with conventional or mainstream medical care, can help people recover after surgery and manage symptoms of diseases.

Other health benefit include clearing your energy field after absorbing energy of others unintentionally, self-healing technique to help with stress, aiding in relaxation, recharging, finding internal balance which will reflect externally, assisting with grounding, providing a foundation of energetic strength, emotional regulation, helping to self-regulate moods and emotions, lessening anxiety, finding peace and contentment amidst change, and helping individuals connect to the present moment.

Reiki Session Information

During a session, a Reiki practitioner will gently move their hands above or close to the body in a series of positions. Each hand position focuses on a different part of the body — including the chakras, where the practitioner feels intuitively guided, or areas that you have experienced discomfort within — and is held for roughly 3 to 10 minutes, depending on the person’s needs. There is very little to no talking during sessions, which typically last between 30 and 60 minutes. An essential piece is the presence and state of being of the Reiki practitioner, whose training also includes ways to support their own “grounding.”


The Reiki practitioner is not the healer; the person receiving the energy is healing themselves. Only we can heal ourselves, just as only we can digest our own food. In the end, it is the cells that heal themselves. Cells desire to be well, and given the right energetic, emotional, and nutritional environments, they will do just that.

Reiki treats imbalances, disharmony, illness, and injury issues affecting an individual on a mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical level. Reiki aids in relaxation and reducing stress (80% of diseases are stress-related). Outcomes depend on the regularity of reiki treatments; the more someone receives, the better they will feel.

After Care

Reiki can release the body’s pent-up toxins into the bloodstream to be filtered by the liver and kidneys and removed from the system. At these times, individuals may briefly experience mild symptoms, including headaches, loose bowels, or weakness, either during the session or afterward. These are positive signs, signifying that the body is cleansing and healing. If symptoms occur, drink more water, eat lighter meals, and get rest.

Reiki can also provoke emotional release. Individuals may remember painful experiences or suddenly open themselves to feel emotions they previously repressed. Again, releasing repressed emotions is a very positive step on the healing journey. Remember that during a session, you are in a loving, safe, nonjudgmental space.

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