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Recover from chronic abuse, trauma, or stress with our mind, body, energy, and lifestyle transformational wellness services.

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Mission Statement: Reclaim your power to recover and energetically reconnect after chronic abuse, trauma, or stress. The greatest healer, guide, and support system dwells within you. To find it, you simply need to begin the journey inward. Our services will guide you to flow away from depression, anxiety, toxic relationships, or addiction into self-acceptance, self-worth. and self-love. Self-love is the magical elixir that allows you to rewrite your story from a series of powerless moments into a tale of empowerment. Surpass limiting beliefs and fears so that you can blossom into the best version of yourself. Discover your heart's dreams and inner truth. To learn more about our services, click here.

Contact Information
Facebook - Wildflower Wellness Center
Social - Megan Huseby

LinkedIn - Megan Huseby


Hours of Operation
Wednesday - 10:00 am - 8:30 pm
Saturday - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Virtual appointment availability

©2022 by Wild Flower Tales. Proudly created with

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